About one boy/girl in fifty constantly shows high regard for others, and on his/her own accord, helps with those tasks behind the scenes which do not require definite assignment. There are forty-nine boys/girls who will do a job when they are asked to; the fiftieth boy/girl looks for a job to do. They respect all persons, and are neither afraid to do what is right nor ashamed to do what is decent. He/She tells the truth whether the consequences are unpleasant or not. He/She
takes the responsibility of bringing justice and understanding. He/She is not sorry for himself/herself, but he/she stands up straight and is honest. The fiftieth boy/girl has the ability to laugh at himself/herself.
To be chosen the fiftieth boy/girl is a great honor, since few boys/girls possess these unique qualities.
Congratulations Bryce Jones and McKenzie Smith.